Bananagalactic MC - Kot (Bitwa O Papier, Baraż)

dodano: 2011-06-29 21:00 przez: Mateusz Natali (komentarze: 21)
W minioną sobotę odbył się pierwszy popkillerowy battle - Bitwa O Papier, a już dziś rozpoczynamy publikację video z tejże imprezy.

Zaczynamy od starcia barażowego, w którym o wejście do czołowej 16tki walczyli Bananagalactic MC z Warszawy i Kot z Lublina.

ten film video jest prywatny
ten film video jest prywatny
nie dla frajerów
I find it kind of creepy how angry peolpe get over how Shiloh is dressed. It's weird. Why does it matter how she is dressed? Because she doesn't fir neatly into someone's narrow-minded idea oh how girls and boys should act? Do you know anything about history and how differently boys and girls have been dressed? How someone is dressed is meaningless. Society is not going to fall apart because peolpe decide to challenge gender norms in our culture. It has happened over and over and over again, and yet somehow straight peolpe manage to still exist. Wonder of wonders.
Wszystko spoko, ale mam nadzieję, że będzie więcej niż 1 walka dziennie?
Dawać kolejne
kot go zład bez tematu ;)
Słabe to jak chuj. Kot duka choc rzuci fajnym tekstem a Bananagalactic pierdoli 3 po trzy....shiiii....chłopaki;( EMATEI znowu cos majk Ci dali zepsuty;)?
Dajcie jutro kolejne walki. Pierwsze 3 były kozackie.
ogolnie to pompa z tego Bananagalactica totalny noskill
mam wrażenie, że gościu chce się na siłe zrobić na drugiego Gospela(mowa tu o Bananagalacticu, ale jak widać jest tak kurwa słaby, że nawet niech nie próbuje się ośmieszać.
stypa a nie bitwa
Dawac kolejne walki
Spokojnie pewnie walki pojawią się po 20:)
ale te walki są teraz chujowe, szkoda patrzeć. xeroboye -.-
You know, how any of you can say your hateful ctomenms aren't bullying is beyond me! It is painful to me to see someone post that a darling child is fugly , and how her hair is so awful looking, when I see adults with way worse haircuts, and i wouldn't think of saying anything about it! How can adults behave in such a way. Somw of you say it must be the conservative Christians saying these things; well, I am a very conservative Christian who attends one of the largest conservative churches in Dallas, and I don't say those type things, and don't hear others saying them without calling them out about it. In our area, there was a 9 yr. old boy who hung himself in the coat-closet at school because he couldn't take this type ctomenms anymore, from adults as well as children. Adults should show kindness to children, not hatefulness or harsh words. I have children in my family who are all individuals; I would hate hearing people talk to or about them like that! People have different personalities, and you never now who you might push over the edge. Why would you WANT to do that? Just sayi' .
Why is it so important to you if the clotehs were bought from the boy or girl side of the department store? Why do Shiloh have to wear clotehs specifically made for girls ? Especially if she doesn't like them. What does it matter? She is who she is and IF, IF she wants to be a boy and identifies herself as a boy then that is so NOT going to go away simply because she starts wearing a dress. If you think so for even a second then you are stupid. I'm sorry but that kind of delusional idea is plain stupid.

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